Friday, June 13, 2008

Da Cubs.

Hey-o so today is my second day of Isagenix. I'm getting quite sick of those damn shakes lol. I think that I'd rather don't eat anything than have one of those bloody shakes. Ahhh!!!! Ok. So i had my morning shake around 8:30am and I was wicked full. When i went to run a few erans, I thought I was fine.. turns out I was wrong. 2 o'clock rolls around and I'm starving, but I'm not hungry, I'm just feeling wicked weak. So I get home and have my shake and I'm fine after that. I downed it lol, soooo sick of it already. So I get home around 3 and start making my step father a cake for Father's Day. I didn't get done with the cake until 8, so I'm pretty exhasuted right now. So here is the cake and I'm going to be posting some more Isagenix video's.. I'm doing a video everyday.


Patrick said...

second most amazing cake of all time.

Ms Sarah said...

Yay :)