Here's a tutorial on how to make your own marshmallow fondant. The tutorial will save you alot of money, but it is extremely time consuming and may lead to arthritis of the hands.. just kidding.. kind of.

Start out with marshmallows, powdered sugar and water. The shortening is for kneading .

Add marshmallows and water into a microwave safe bowl and microwave, stir, microwave, stir. microwave, stir, until the mixture looks like fluff.

Here is your melted marshmallow mixture

Add enough powdered sugar for the mixture to come together.

Add some more powdered sugar. Keeping on adding until mixture is somewhat malable.

Pour some powdered sugar onto the counter with the shortening and then take the marshmallow mixture, place onto of the powedered sugar. Make sure your hands are completely clean and then coat your hands in a thin layer of shortening, to prevent the marshmallow mixture from sticking to your hands. Then start to knead. This should only take you about.... 4 hours.
I take small sections and add the powdered sugar until I've reached the texture that I want. And then repeat.

My finished fondant, before it has been colored

You will need tons of paper towels. Not a hand towel, because they have lint. A clean paper towel after every hand wash. Wash your hands often, so that the fondant is free of clumps of powdered sugar. I went though a whole roll and I washed my hands about 50 times.

After hurricane fondant. During the fondant coloring process, I kept what I wasn't coloring or working on covered, under a bowl, because fondant dries out very quick. Can you spot Kaspa? Hint, look at the pile of paper towels.

Finished Fondant.
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